Lasagna saturday

after a fried chicken saturday afternoon surprise going away party (whew that was a mouthful), we wanted to eat something just a bit healthier.. our hearts were hurting just a bit! i also wanted to use up some leftover turkey from thanksgiving before it went bad πŸ™‚ i love turkey so much! so good and tasty and also healthy!

so i cut up some garlic, red peppers, onions, brussels sprouts and put in a little bit of oil, cumin, basil, S&P…. fried that up till it was a little cooked…

and then added my chopped broccoli and turkey chunks!.. i added them after because i knew it was going into the oven for about 40 minutes and the broccoli and turkey ddint need to be cooked that well in the pan.. (i loveeee raw broccoli!)

yummmmmy!! doesn’t that look so tasty?! i think i could eat this alone! so colourful and so many veggies!!! i put in a bit of chicken broth (low sodium of course) to get the veggies steaming a bit..

and then i put in about a cup of tomato sauce and mixed them all together! after it warmed up i put it all in a big bowl! um num num num num!

i put a bit of tomato sauce on the bottom of the pan, layered it with 3 lasagne sheets (these are oven ready so apparently i didn’t need to boil them… (more about that later)… then layered the veggie turkey mixture on top, some cheese……

so after that i continued to layer and then my last layer of lasagne sheets only had a bit of the mixture on top and then cheese! i probably used about 1.5 cups of the italian blend cheese?

TA DA!!!! my first lasagne!!! it was of course too huge for us to eat all of it… i sense lunch for a week………

anyway, about these oven ready sheets, they’re good but they need to be completely covered with STUFF so that the moisture can “cook” the sheets… the layers on top, as you can see, it browned on the edges and they became ROCK hard … it was like eating cheese chips! overall though, it was pretty tasty.. we didn’t mind the crunchy..and it wasn’t overly saucy or cheesy… (i’m okay with that!)… i think some changes i would done are:

  1. not do a top layer of lasagne sheets
  2. boil the sheets before hand probably..
  3. find a healthier tomato sauce (not saying that the one i used isnt.. i just dont know the nutritional facts lol… but tomato sauce actually has a lot of sugars in it!)
  4. TRY not to use as much cheese… but i think 1.5 cups for a whole dish is not too bad…. right?! (i’m telling you, i’m becoming obsessed with eating right and eating clean! good and bad…)

i think this is good… everyone should sneak and incorporate a ton of veggies into lasagnas! soo easy and it provides so much “filler” to make everyone fuller and not go back for huge seconds! healthy and tasty!

i also used my phone to take pics cuz i was feeling extra lazy…. plus, the lighting at the time of night is not the greatest.. .in Calgary, the sun sets so early now…i miss the long summer days when it would get dark at like 10 pm 😦 stupid winter!!!


hope everyone had a good weekend! it was fun for us… today, floor hockey and a bit of grocery shopping! ciao!

here are some pics from the weekend surprise party!





2 responses to “Lasagna saturday

  1. awwww i love your posts. u make cooking look sooo easy that sometimes i’m like “hmm, maybe i’ll try it out” haha and when i read the post where your parents came to visit and you wrote “i don’t think i can move back home anymore….” i think i cried a little! =( nnoooooooooooooooooo come back!!! i miss you! =)


    • hehe i love you! you’re the only one that actually leaves me comments on my posts!! πŸ™‚ i love reading comments! and when i say “move back home” dont worry! i meant my physical home in markham!! LOL! i WILL BE BACK!!!! ❀ miss YOU and toronto too much!!!

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